About us

While hol­ding the posi­tion as Secre­tary of Agri­cul­ture and Fishing in the State of Chiapas, Mexico, in the 1960s, the com­pany founder, Mr. G. Beu­tel­s­pa­cher, worked clo­sely with local bee­kee­pers which allowed him to acquire a pro­found under­stan­ding of this industry.

Inspired by the bee­kee­pers´ end­less com­mit­ment and the excel­lent qua­lity of the regional honey types, Mr. Beu­tel­s­pa­cher founded “Pro­ductos Natu­rales del Campo” in 1980 with the objec­tive to export honey from Chiapas and foster the deve­lo­p­ment of the regional bee­kee­ping industry

Since the estab­lish­ment, the owner has been eager to seek pro­mi­sing oppor­tu­ni­ties. Initi­ally, the pro­duct assort­ment included a small number of honey types exclu­si­vely from the state of Chiapas. However, new family-owned sub­si­dia­ries, which were set up in the Yucatan pen­in­sula and in Cen­tral Mexico in the 1990s by the com­pany founder’s children, allowed the family to offer a wide variety of dome­stic honey types.

Soon after the suc­cessful growth in Mexico Mrs. Ingrid Beu­tel­s­pa­cher opened the sales com­pany, Api­miel GmbH, in Berlin, Ger­many, where the main market was to be found ori­gi­nally. Since then, we extended the pro­duct assort­ment when new oppor­tu­ni­ties arose in Argen­tina, Chile, Uru­guay, Gua­te­mala, Nica­ragua, El Sal­vador and Brazil where close busi­ness rela­ti­onships with reliable part­ners and pro­fes­sional coope­ra­tives were established.

Today, we attend to our num­e­rous world­wide cli­ents from this loca­tion and deliver our honey in drums directly from the country of origin to any port in the world. 

Ingrid Beu­tel­s­pa­cher, born 1968 in Chiapas, Mexico, as daughter of Gott­hold Beu­tel­s­pa­cher and Alma de la Torre, is the mana­ging director of Api­miel GmbH in Berlin. She was a rotary exch­ange stu­dent 1986 in Cen­tralia, Washington USA during the aca­demic year 1985–1986. With a scho­lar­ship from the pres­ti­gious Uni­ver­sity ITESM Campus Cuerna­vaca in Mexico, she gra­duated in 1990 at the age of 20 as indus­trial engi­neer with the hig­hest average notes of her gene­ra­tion. She received the award of Diario de Mexico: “Best Stu­dents of Mexico”. With ano­ther scho­lar­ship, from the DAAD, Ingrid Beutelspacher
stu­died Busi­ness Engi­nee­ring and Food Tech­no­logy at the TU  in Berlin.

Ingrid Beu­tel­s­pa­cher de la Torre — Mana­ging Director Api­miel GmbH
  • 1995 — 2000 she was a share­holder of Api­miel S.A. de C.V. in Chiapas, Mexico. In the year 2000 Mrs. Beu­tel­s­pa­cher founded Api­miel GmbH in Berlin.
  • 2003 — 2009 she was on the board of the Inter­na­tional Honey Orga­niza­tion, which she chaired from 2009–2013.
  • Since 1996 she has been an active member of the National Honey Packers and Dea­lers Asso­cia­tion in the USA
  • Ms. Beu­tel­s­pa­cher is a foun­ding member of the non-profit envi­ron­mental orga­niza­tion Yucatan Sil­vestre A.C. in Val­la­dolid, Yucatan

Eager like the bees — led by Gott­hold Beu­tel­s­pa­cher, Her­mann, Luis and Erika Beu­tel­s­pa­cher work tog­e­ther with a pro­fes­sional team in coope­ra­tion with bee­kee­pers. „We are proud to be able to offer our cus­to­mers in more than 20 count­ries in harmony with nature, the world’s most aro­matic honey in organic qua­lity and to the hig­hest stan­dards. This creates jobs and pro­spe­rity for bee­kee­pers in Mexico and pre­serves biodiversity”.

Api­miel Team in Mexico